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Results 41-60 of 131 for Peter S. Vogel

The Internet and the Web in 2025

We are now living during a wave of social change, and we will not know how the Internet has affected society until we look back on it in the future. A great example of this: When Alexander Graham Bell obtained his patent for the telephone in 1875, no one could have foreseen that a lawyer from Texas could make a cellphone call from the Great Wall of China in 2005, but I did!...


The Increasing Business Risk of Cloud Cyberattacks

It is hard to figure out which is growing at a faster pace -- movement to the cloud or cybercrime. Cybercrime is following the data to the cloud, according to reports, to find and steal cloud data of hotel records, credit card information, and maybe even corporate secrets and the client files of lawyers. ...


Will Data Localization Kill the Internet?

In the wake of revelations that the U.S. and UK governments regularly monitor private communications -- including Internet usage, GPS data, and cell information -- a number of countries are considering a new type of law called "data localization." ...


Internet Crimes Led to Long Jail Sentences in 2013

With all the headlines about Internet cybersecurity breaches, there seem to be few headlines about the consequences for cybercriminals ...


Free Webmail’s Hidden Price

This story was originally published on Oct. 4, 2013, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series ...


There’s a New Fair Use Law in Town

More than eight years ago, the Authors Guild filed a class action against Google on behalf of thousands of authors, claiming that Google infringed the authors' copyrights. The Authors Guild recently lost its case based on the fair use doctrine that's generally reserved for nonprofit use by academic institutions, libraries and the press. ...


Is LinkedIn Being Sued for Doing Just What It Says It Will Do?

A class action asserting that LinkedIn harvests and sells users' email addresses was brought in September 2013. More than a month after the lawsuit was filed, LinkedIn still uses the same approach to collect email addresses and personal information -- that is, it encourages users to "sync your contacts. Stay in touch. Bring your email, contacts, and calendar in one place." ...


The Hidden Price of Free Webmail

No one expects a free lunch. So when people use a free webmail service, many assume they will be bombarded with advertising. Why? Obviously, because the webmail services make money by commercializing the content of the webmail! ...


Google’s $8.5M Data Privacy Dodge

An October 2010 class action lawsuit against Google included allegations that "Google transmitted user search queries to third parties without knowledge or consent in order to enhance advertising revenue and profitability." Following three years of litigation, Google and the plaintiff users this June presented a settlement proposal to the federal court. However, Google is not proposing to change its privacy policies. ...


The EU’s Grab for Internet Jurisdiction Control

United States Internet businesses have spent much time and energy avoiding regulation by other countries -- and in particular, the European Union. One way companies protect themselves is to include a provision in their Terms of Service making the U.S. the jurisdiction and controlling law for use of their sites, as well as for Click Agreements ...


Laying Down the Virtual Law in Second Life

Millions of people have created avatars that live in Internet virtual worlds. Those virtual worlds include Second Life and Maple Story, as well as video games. ...


Jury Duty in the Social Media Era

Even before social media existed, lawyers would often investigate to learn as much as possible about each potential juror. Their primary goal, of course, was to eliminate potential jurors who may find against their clients ...


Where Your Social Media Accounts Go When You Die

One of my childhood friends, who was also a Facebook friend, died in 2009. Yet I still get messages from Facebook encouraging me to connect with his Facebook page. Has that ever happened to you? ...


Who Gets LinkedIn When an Employee Is Kicked Out?

After almost two years of litigation, a federal judge has ruled on a dispute between an employer and former employee over control of a LinkedIn account. ...


GPS and the Law: You Can Run but You Can’t Hide

There are more than 6 billion mobile devices in the world, says Wikipedia. As of last July, there were more than 321 million wireless subscriber connections in the U.S. alone, according to CTIA-The Wireless Association. Of course, it is impossible that 101 percent of U.S. residents have wireless connections, so that means many of us have multiple subscriptions...

Judge Vaporizes Big Chunk of Apple’s Billion-Dollar Win in Samsung Case

"On a number of the claims for the alleged damages, the jury appeared just to take 40 percent of whatever Apple's expert said," explained Peter S. Vogel, a partner with Gardere Wynne Sewell "I think the judge concluded the jury didn't do any independent evaluation," he told t...

Oracle Tries Again to Get Satisfaction in Java Case

Prior cases support Alsup's reasoning, noted Peter S. Vogel, partner with Gardere Wynne Sewell Decades ago, Apple licensed to Microsoft the graphical user interface it used to create the first version of Windows. When Microsoft developed subsequent versions of Windows, Apple s...


Of Apps and Antitrust: FTC Monitoring Kicks Into High Gear

Periodically we are reminded that the Federal Trade Commission plays a major role in regulatingthe Internet. For instance, the FTC is in charge of protecting privacy on the Internet in the U.S. andcontinually starts new privacy initiatives as the use of the Internet evolves. ...


2012’s Most Notable Computer Crimes

Users of the Internet and electronic gear are vulnerable to criminals near and far, but we don't always hear about what happens at court and whether the alleged criminals are convicted or acquitted ...

Netflix Could Get Smacked With Higher Postal Rate

Presumably the post office came to this conclusion after considering the costs and the volume that Netflix delivers, Peter S. Vogel, partner with Gardere Wynne Sewell, told the E-Commerce Times. Netflix Loses...

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