
A former "sneaker botter" who for years programmed bots to take advantage of e-commerce platforms now uses his experience to combat bot attacks to raid merchants' websites and prevent Account Takeover (ATO) attacks.

A study released Tuesday by digital risk protection solutions company Memcyco found that nearly three-quarters of businesses have deployed a digital impersonation protection solution to avert online scams, but only 6% of those organizations are satisfied that it protects them and their customers.

In 2021, cybercrime caused global damages that cost $6 trillion -- approximately $2 trillion more than the GDP of Japan -- the country with the world’s third-largest economy.

E-commerce merchants are bracing for escalating threats posed by customer dishonesty and insider misconduct. This trend is exacerbated by the economic downturn, which has tightened cybersecurity budgets, making the marketplace more vulnerable to attacks, including those from politically motivated, h...

Because violative merchants make efforts to conceal illegal drug offerings, the level of risk for payment providers is much greater than most realize.

Despite legislation created to stop “scalper” and “grinch” bots from buying products faster than humans on e-commerce sites, desperate consumers are wrestling with the dilemma of either paying inflated prices or using bots themselves.

The Federal Reserve's new FedNow Service allows instant money transfers but may exacerbate online fraud, experts warn. The service presents unique challenges due to its irreversible and rapid transactions.

Cyber insurance premiums are soaring as insurers limit what's covered, exposing a gap in cybersecurity financial safety nets, according to a new report.

Artificial intelligence technologies are aiding investigators in identifying and combating internet crimes against children, with tools that can locate offenders, point out potential victims, and quickly gather crucial data.

Scammers, posing as bioscience and health companies, are enticing students to attend a video call about a job with the intention of getting them to pay bogus fees as a condition of employment.

The retail sector continues to endure the full impact of cyberattacks, shouldering the weight of being the most targeted industry for malicious activities.

The findings of a new report highlight the growing urgency for cybersecurity measures in response to the increasing threat of email attacks crafted with generative AI.

Researchers reveal a novel security risk as hackers exploit generative AI's 'hallucinations' to deliver malicious code into a company's development environment, posing a growing threat to enterprise security.

The U.S. Department of Justice has another feather in its cyberwarfare cap after taking down the cybercrime network of Turla, a criminal gang linked to Russia called one of the world's most sophisticated cyber-espionage groups.

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