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Results 21-40 of 58 for Lisa Gill

The Big Business of Storing Big Data

Since IT budgets have been slashed in the economic downturn, many businesses are seeking ways to reduce the burden on overworked staff. One way to do thisis to use a SAN, or storage area network, which reduces data management costs, increases hardware efficiency and improves data recovery capabilities. With networked storage, any user armed with the proper level of access can search for any piece of data stored within an enterprise...

AMD: Q4 Sales Up, Up and Away

Buoyed by stronger-than-expected flash memory sales, number two semiconductor manufacturer AMD has raised its fourth-quarter sales forecast by 15 percent ...

Chip Sales on Upswing Worldwide

Buoyed by purchases of cell phones and other wireless devices, worldwide sales of semiconductors rose modestly in October, a trade group said Friday ...

U.S.: E-Commerce Hit All-Time Q3 High

Compared with a year earlier, e-commerce retail sales in this year's third quarter skyrocketed to their highest dollar value since reporting began in 1999, according to a U.S. Department of Commerce survey released Friday ...

HP Exceeds Wall Street Expectations

Lifted by its printing and imaging success and by cost-cutting measures associated with its US$19 billion merger with Compaq, Hewlett-Packard on Wednesday reported that it exceeded analysts' expectations in its fourth quarter ended October 31st, earning $390 million ...


Will Microsoft Play Nice Now?

In his first appearance since the announcement of the landmark Microsoftantitrust settlement, CEO Steve Ballmer told an audience last week at the Brookings Institute that the software giant is taking its new leadership role seriously ...

HP Launches Ad Campaign To Reboot Brand

In its first advertising push since its May 2002 merger with Compaq, and on the heels of president Michael Capellas' departure, computer and peripherals maker Hewlett-Packard has unveiled a new campaign to refocus its identity away from its printing and imaging reputation ...

AMD To Reduce Workforce by 2,000

Number two semiconductor manufacturer AMD has announced it will lay off 2,000 people, or 15 percent of its global workforce, in an attempt to break even in the coming year. A thousand employees will be notified immediately in the United States, Europe and Asia, and the remaining 1,000 will be laid off throughout this year and into 2003 ...


The Case for OpenOffice

What is free, easy to learn and manage, and compatible with other file formats and every major platform? (Hint: It also represents one less tie to Microsoft.) The answer is, according to the creators, managers and evangelists of this open source office productivity suite ...


The Future of 3D E-Commerce

3D e-commerce is a pair of jeans seen from every angle. It is the ability to mix and match shoes, dresses, coats or belts; to explore the nooks and crannies of an entire home; and to capture the most realistic, detailed view possible ...

U.S. Forges Deal for Free Online Tax Filing

Up to 78 million taxpayers will have the opportunity to file their 2002 tax returns online for free, thanks to an agreement signed between the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and a coalition of tax preparers that includes TurboTax maker Intuit and H&R Block ...

Dell Unveils Smallest Desktop PC in Company History

Aiming to capture a market focused on form and size, the number one computer manufacturer has released its smallest desktop PC to date ...

Microsoft Says Q1 Sales Not Sustainable

After beating analysts' expectations Friday with a surprise profit of $2.71 billion in its first fiscal quarter, software giant Microsoft acknowledged over the weekend that a repeat performance in the coming year is not likely ...


Apple: Microsoft’s Friend or Foe?

When Apple and Microsoft signed a pact five years ago formalizingtheir relationship, the two companies laid out a detailed road map forthe future. Included was a US$150 million shot in the arm for thethen-ailing Macintosh manufacturer, plus a slew of development agreements, highlighted by Microsoft Office and Internet Explorerfor Mac OS ...

AMD Echoes Intel with Q3 Shortfall

The number one and number two semiconductor manufacturers, Intel and AMD, both cited reduced PC demand and weak back-to-school sales this week as they reported third-quarter earnings that fell short of analysts' expectations ...

IBM Debuts 64-Bit Chip – Will Apple Bite?

IBM has unveiled a chip that can process data at twice the rate of the 32-bit PC processors currently in use. According to published reports, the new chip may power Apple desktop computers and servers in the future ...


The Secret of Logitech’s Success

In a sea of drowning tech companies, Logitech's (Nasdaq: LOGI) is an unlikely story -- one of profit, promise and seemingly unlimited potential. The Fremont, California-based peripherals maker is flush with cash, having homed in on a market where the sky is the limit at a price point that defies recessionary pressures ...

Philips To Shut Down Components Division

Battling a sagging U.S. consumer electronics market, electronics giant Royal Philips Electronics said Wednesday that it will close its Philips Components division in the United States ...

Microsoft To Unleash .NET Content Management

Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) is slated to announce the release of its .NET Content Management Server 2002 at the annual Microsoft Exchange Conference in Anaheim, California ...


Who Pays for Tech Innovation?

The dollars spent by tech sector heavyweights on research and development number in the billions. For example, in the semiconductor space, Intel (Nasdaq: INTC) will have spent US$4 billion on R&D by the end of 2002. The company operates more than 75 labs staffed with 7,000 researchers, and it increased its R&D spending by 412 percent between 1991 and 2001.

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