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Facebook May Be Poised to Push the E-Commerce Button

Facebook is rumored to be testing a Want button that would be similar in look and function to its now ubiquitous Like button. The feature was spotted by developer Tom Waddington, who


  • I think this is the wrong route for Facebook to go. Most of the hosted carts already provide the ability to showcase your online store on your fan page. Why would a busy entrepreneur want to have to update two or three different platforms. Facebook is better off trying to monetize the third party applications either through a revenue share or a yearly developer fee. The only time I think this works is for someone that doesn’t want a full time store, but then again, if people want a shopping mall, they go to and eBay.

  • I like facebook because it make the global in small Village, and this is a great think that would simply be part of the general social media landscape, observed and situated alongside the user’s general status updates.

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