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Results 1-20 of 411 for Paul A. Greenberg

A Tale of Two Giants: Amazon and Kmart

On what CEO Jeff Bezos likely hoped was the first day of the rest of a long and prosperous online life, (Nasdaq: AMZN) on Tuesday showed the world how important a penny can be ...

And the Winner Is – Online Travel

E-commerce is alive and well online. Those who want solid evidence need look no further than the online travel industry ...

U.S. Government Turns Over New E-Commerce Leaf

The United States government is coming up with a business plan -- an information technology business plan, that is. Some might say it is not a moment too soon for the government to recognize the power and pervasiveness of technology ...

Four Cornerstones of E-Commerce Success in 2002

Until recently, e-commerce was an exercise in trial and error, a hit-or-miss playing field in which all newcomers were welcome, but where few stuck around for long ...

Online Car Sales: Bricks-and-Clicks Still Matter

The prospect of buying a car online always seemed like a long shot. Now, little by little, the Big Three American automakers appear to be backing away from the "buy your new car online" business model. ...

Priceline and AOL: Ready for Takeoff

Among all the entrepreneurs in the e-commerce industries, standing firmly in the middle of the post-September 11th commercial fray is one Richard S. Braddock ...

Online Gambling Is Here To Stay

If there is one word to describe U.S. Representative Bob Goodlatte, (R-Virginia), that word is persistent ...

Brick-and-Click Does Not Mean Overnight Success

With industry analysts telling us that e-shopping is already brisk, and online holiday sales are projected to be high, it would seem e-tailing is on the upswing ...

Not an Orbitz-uary, But …

Those of us who discovered the relative ease of booking travel online were primed and ready for the debut of Orbitz this past summer ...

E-tailers: Speak Up!

Like millions of other American consumers, I spent several hours in a shopping mall the day after Thanksgiving. ...

Web Music Waits Till the Midnight Hour

For those who thought online music sharing companies would thrive once they "went legit" with paid subscription plans, the U.S. Department of Justice investigation into the industry has got to be a disappointment ...

E-Taxes Take Another Holiday

Last week on Capitol Hill, when the U.S. Senate approved a two-year extension of the moratorium on Internet taxation, the entire e-commerce industry drew closer to the biggest reprieve it has ever received. ...

Shipping Just Gets Harder for E-tailers

Last year at the start of the holiday season, Internet retailers were scrambling andstrategizing to make sure they could delivereverything in time for holiday gift giving ...

Will We Ever Want E-Books?

At first, the idea of digital books sounded so futuristic. Even so, we wrote it off as another passing innovation ...

Keeping E-Commerce Simple, Safe and Sane

Amid all the buzz surrounding Internet shopping this holiday season -- how to maximize profits, cut costs and at the same time attract new customers -- e-commerce companies are still working hard to meet the consumer demand for simplicity. ...

E-Tailing According to Smilin’ Jeff

Remarkably, it has been almost two months since the terrorist attacks on the United States, and e-tailers are already having to focus on holiday sales ...

As Privacy Quakes, Collateral Damage for E-Commerce?

Much of the buzz around office water coolers lately has to do with the government's new powers to follow our every move on the Internet. ...

What Does the Web Know About Women?

The Internet, once considered to be populated predominantly by men, is in reality an equal opportunity channel ...

Online Mortgage Lending: An Uphill Climb

For those who have tried to re-finance their homes in the past few weeks, the routine goes something like this: Hurry up and wait ...

Amazon, E-tailers Approach Holidays on Thin Ice

At this time of year, the main topic among e-commerce pundits and industry observers is which online companies will emerge victorious during the coming holiday season ...

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