
Results 21-40 of 48 for Jay Lyman.

Intel Revs PC Content With Viiv

Just as it helped spawn a movement toward its wireless technology with Centrino, Intel is looking to put the PC in the pole position for home entertainment with its Viiv platform that is now supported by more than 40 software, content and service companies, including TiVo. Intel said its Viiv techno...


FTC Cracks Down on Spyware Distributors

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission took action against spyware this week by asking a U.S. District Court Judge to halt an operation that allegedly plagued users who clicked for free file-sharing software with performance-slowing, private-information-gathering software that also altered search results...

Judge Tells RIM No Waiting on Patents

Despite favorable rulings from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in its long patent battle with NTP, BlackBerry handheld maker Research In Motion (RIM) will not be able to wait on further decisions from the Office, as a federal court moves forward on its settlement dispute with NTP. Embroiled in ...

AOL Sheds Jobs Along With Subscribers

AOL confirmed this week the layoff of about 700 employees, most of whom were working in customer call centers across the United States. The once-dominant Internet service company blamed the job cuts on its dwindling dial-up customer base, but industry watchers also viewed the layoffs as a ploy to pl...

PC Market Pushes Up Again

Current economic conditions, particularly high oil and gas prices and looming inflation, would anticipate a slowdown in major markets including personal computers, but yesterday IDC reported that the worldwide PC market continued to expand recently, posting 17 percent growth in the third quarter of ...

Virtualization Licenses Made Available by Microsoft

Continuing a pattern of kinder, gentler software licensing terms and relationships, Microsoft announced this week its simplified, virtualization-ready Windows Server licensing that allows as many as four virtual instances of the software on one physical server for the same price. The software giant ...

Microsoft Rolls Out Virtualized Licensing

Continuing a pattern of kinder, gentler software licensing terms and relationships, Microsoft announced this week its simplified, virtualization-ready Windows Server licensing that allows as many as four virtual instances of the software on one physical server for the same price. The software giant ...

Feds Point Finger at US Spyware Operation

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission took action against spyware this week by asking a U.S. District Court Judge to halt an operation that allegedly plagued users who clicked for free file-sharing software with performance-slowing, private-information-gathering software that also altered search results...

Report: Broadband Growth Burning Out

Fewer of the remaining Americans not hooked up to the Internet are getting online, and fewer existing dial-up users are spending enough time on the Web to want to move up to broadband access, reports the Pew Internet Project in its latest study on U.S. broadband growth. Analysts attribute the slowdo...

Report: Attackers Quietly Target Desktops, Personal Data

Today's virus outbreaks are not as loud as the Code Red attacks of a couple years ago, but beneath the quieter computing landscape is a perilous push to turn the growing amount of personal computers and personal information into profit through cybercrime, the latest Threat Report from security firm ...

Microsoft on the Hunt for SMBs

Microsoft is moving to make its software more attractive to smaller and medium-sized businesses, providing better pricing, easier licensing and resources to help partners focus on the smaller market that currently represents the biggest growth. Analysts indicated that Microsoft, fighting older versi...

Teleworking — Is It Right For Your Enterprise?

The change away from the corporate cubicle creates new challenges for managers on several levels, including their comfort level with the situation and the challenge of managing employees that may be scattered around the globe. While companies can and do successfully assess how best to leverage telew...

Google Gives Second Try to Desktop Search

Search giant Google has updated its desktop search software with new features while also addressing privacy and security issues. Industry analysts said the latest version is both a natural extension and a significant improvement. However, there is also likely to be a lot of similar desktop search up...

Yahoo Reportedly Eyeing Stake in China’s Alibaba

A rumored deal whereby Yahoo would purchase a US$1 billion stake in Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba is highlighting the efforts by U.S. companies, also including eBay and Google, to get deeper into the Chinese market. This difficult endeavor includes issues of resistance to foreign investment and...

BT To Offer Dual-Mode Handsets, Services

Months after it first signaled its intentions to merge fixed wireless Bluetooth technology with WiFi 802.11 mobile wireless in one handset, UK telecom giant BT said this week that it is readying its BT Fusion brand for purchase by UK consumers. The company hopes to merge devices and services with th...

Viacom Looking to Internet To Boost Revenue

Traditional broadcasting giant Viacom, which reported lackluster earnings from its over-the-air properties such as CBS and UPN, said today it is looking more to cable and the Internet, where the company sees greener pastures for its content and bottom line. For its first quarter 2005 financial resul...

RIAA Lawsuits Result from I2 File Sharing

It is designed to increase network speed, bandwidth, and the ability to share vast amounts of data quickly and easily, but according to copyright owners, the next-generation Internet known as Internet2 has also been facilitating illegal, unlicensed trading of copyrighted music and movie files. The R...

Elijah Wood To Host New Xbox’s MTV Kick Off

"I want my MTV" is being replaced with, "I want my Xbox," as Microsoft plans to unveil the second version of its Xbox video game console with a half-hour MTV television show hosted by "Lord of the Rings" star Elijah Wood next month. Although gaming enthusiasts still do not know the name of Microsoft...

Microsoft Strolls into E-Commerce Marketplace

In an effort to avoid consumer confusion and information overload, and at the same time to mirror the success of companies like Amazon and Dell, Microsoft has unveiled a new shopping site for Windows hardware and software. The software behemoth said the main reason for the Windows Marketplace site w...

Stern Goes Satellite, But Will Listeners Follow?

Satellite radio got a bolt of energy with the announcement that shock jock Howard Stern will be delivering his controversy-stirring show over the Sirius satellite radio network starting in 2006. While the company remains number two in satellite radio to XM -- which earlier this year added former NPR...

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