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Results 21-40 of 117 for Tim McDonald

Smart Money On Microsoft

If you've been holding off on buying Microsoft stock until the company's antitrust appeal is over, you might want to consider putting your money in a long-term interest-bearing account ...

U.S. Blasts Microsoft Appeal Tactics

Ratcheting up the tension in what had already become an all-out brawl, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) accused Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT) on Tuesday of purposely delaying the company's pending antitrust appeal ...

Microsoft Seeks Lengthy Appeal

In papers filed Monday, Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT) asked the federal appeals court reviewing the antitrust judgment requiring a breakup of the company to set an unusually long five-month schedule for submitting briefs ...

Intel Scuttles Low-End Chip

Intel Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC) has abandoned plans for a long-delayed, low-end computer chip aimed at making personal computers cheaper to build. According to the company, while technicians worked to fix design flaws, the potential market for the chip disappeared ...

Apple Sinks After Dire Earnings Warning

Just one week after global computer chip-maker Intel Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC) startled the high-tech world with a dire earnings warning, Apple Computer, Inc. (Nasdaq: AAPL) announced that earnings for its fiscal quarter ending September 30th will be "substantially below expectations," causing shares in the company to plummet more than 50 percent ...

AOL and Time Warner on Slippery Slope

Funny, isn't it, that during the same week a U.S. lawmaker told federal regulators to back off in connection with the proposed America Online (NYSE: AOL) and Time Warner (NYSE: TWX) merger, rumors that could have a serious negative impact on the deal began to surface ...

AOL, NTT DoCoMo in Wireless Net Pact

America Online, Inc. (NYSE: AOL) and Japan's NTT DoCoMo announced plans Wednesday to provide wireless Internet services in Japan and other countries as well ...

The Web’s Olympic Flameout

Sooner or later, Big Sports must come to grips with the Internet. As the industry lines up its lawyers in a goal-line stand to prevent its scrappy little competitors from making it into the lucrative online end zone, it is painfully clear that no one understands what the Internet can do for sports. That's because everyone is consumed with fear that it's going to take over the whole show...

Intel Report Triggers Stock Slide

A warning by Intel Corp. (Nasdaq: INTC) on Thursday that its third quarter sales will be substantially lower than previously expected sent reverberations through the high-tech world, causing stock prices to tumble worldwide and strengthening fears the once-robust global personal computer industry is in decline ...

Notes from the E-Commerce Chopping Block

Every now and then, the world of e-commerce produces an idea that makes you want to shake your head sagely and sigh in a superior manner because you know it won't work ...

Windows Me Sales Defy Expectations

Despite a low-key product release and lackluster reviews, the newest computer operating system from Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT) has sold a quarter million copies in its first four days on the market, according to market research firm PC Data ...

Report: High-Speed Internet Set for U.S. Boom

High-speed Internet access, long promised but slow to deliver, will accelerate across the U.S. in the near future, according to a new report by Internet analyst company eMarketer ...

U.S. Delays Open Cable Access Hearings

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has delayed the launch of its formal inquiry into the issue of open cable Internet access, saying on Thursday it will wait until after decisions are made regarding the proposed mega-merger of America Online (NYSE: AOL) and Time Warner, Inc. (NYSE: TWX) ...

Windows Me Makes Lackluster Debut

With much less fanfare than past releases, Microsoft Corp. (NYSE: MSFT) officially launched its Windows Millennium Edition, known as "Windows Me," Thursday morning ...

Apple Unveils New Mac OS X

Presenting the biggest change in the Mac operating system in 16 years, Apple Computer (Nasdaq: AAPL) released the public test version of its new Macintosh computer operating system Wednesday ...

Interactive TV: Giant Leap or Goofy Gimmick?

At the risk of sounding anachronistic, allow me to say at the outset that I don't want to interact with my television. I just want to watch it, and most of the time I don't even want to do that ...

IBM To Build Linux Centers in Asia

Continuing a commitment to promote the Linux operating system, IBM (NYSE: IBM) said Tuesday it will spend $200 million (US$) to build seven new Linux development centers in Asia ...

Reading Between the Party Lines

With the presidential candidates now campaigning in earnest, their positions on e-commerce are putting on enough flesh to make significant and specific differences visible to the naked eye ...

Microsoft, Ericsson Launch Mobile E-Mail Venture

Buoyed by news that the European Commission will not present any regulatory roadblocks, Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT) and Ericsson (Nasdaq: ERICY) announced the launch Monday of a mobile e-mail services venture ...

Sony ‘Picture Book’ To Feature Crusoe Chip

Sony Corp. (NYSE: SNE) will offer the first consumer product to include the much anticipated, power-saving Crusoe computer chip when the latest version of the Sony Picture Book hits stores next month ...

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