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Results 1-20 of 143 for Pam Baker

The Cannabis Rush: Where There’s Smoke, There’s E-Commerce

The budding online cannabis industry has a long way to go before it delivers bumper crops. The market for both recreational and medicinal cannabis has been plowed and pre-seeded by the previous underground market and the impetus of state laws legalizing its use ...

How to Protect Your Company’s Online Reputation

When it comes to business, you're only as good as your reputation. Indeed, your reputation is your brand. It is the substance your logo represents; it is the glue in customer brand loyalty. In a word, reputation is everything. Yet it's not entirely under your control ...


How to Prevent the Internet From Ruining Your Company’s Reputation

When it comes to business, you're only as good as your reputation. Indeed, your reputation is your brand. It is the substance your logo represents; it is the glue in customer brand loyalty. In a word, reputation is everything. Yet it's not entirely under your control. ...

How to Safeguard Your Firm’s Online Reputation

When it comes to business, you're only as good as your reputation. Indeed, your reputation is your brand. It is the substance your logo represents; it is the glue in customer brand loyalty. In a word, reputation is everything. Yet it's not entirely under your control ...

Winning Tactics for Marketing in the Micro-Moment

Google believes that all the important consumer buying decisions happen in a brief flash of time. Understanding and responding to customer needs in those all-important, tiny moments is key to successful marketing, the company says. Specifically, they are the exact moments when people turn to a device because they want one or more of four things: to know, do, go, or buy...

Getting Serious About Teen Smartphone Addiction

Parents don't need a poll to tell them their teenagers are addicted to smartphones. After all, smartphones are a permanent fixture rather than accessories on the visages of kids of all ages these days. ...

Taking DIY to the Next Level

While hobbyists, inventors and innovators alike have been experimenting and producing a variety of do-it-yourself projects, their world is expected to undergo a hard shift as DIY moves to the next level ...

The Brand New Made-in-Space Frontier

What happens when you're 220 miles above Earth on the International Space Station, and you need a tool you don't have? You can print one yourself ...

3D Printing: Innovation’s New Lifeblood

To many, 3D printing is little more than a toy. A toy that mostly prints toys. To others, it's a prototyping tool good for a hands-on feel of a manifested idea but not much more ...

Fresh Takes on Shipping Perishable Online Purchases

It's one thing to ship books and electronics across the U.S. -- but it's quite another to get fresh fruit, baked goods, meat, fish, prepared meals, raw meal ingredients, and other perishables to consumers' front doors in prime condition ...

Virtual Reality a Sports Training Game Changer

Quite a bit of buzz broke out recently in sports circles when a Stanford quarterback was caught on ESPN sporting an Oculus virtual reality (VR) face mask. Not that VR is totally new, but fans want more out of their athletes and the sight of such a souped-up technical edge on the field was a novel thrill. But that thrill won't be novel for long as VR is headed for mainstream use in all sports from pro to little league and T-ball levels.


‘Data Divination: Big Data Strategies’ Is a Great Hip-Pocket Tool

Data Divination: Big Data StrategiesBy Pam Baker with special contribution by Bob Gourley Cengage LearningAugust 21, 2014, 432 pp.US$25.89 paperbackMost of today's books about Big Data delve into highly technical tools, cloud technology, and high-level computer-assisted math calculations and algorithms. For most people in the business world, this is far from motivating readers to appreciate just what Big Data does and how to let it get you there. However, that's not so with Data Divination: Big Data Strategies by Pam Baker...

Digital Won’t Kill the Book-Publishing Star

There's no question that books have gone digital. Sure, there are still paper books aplenty in a smattering of brick-and-mortar bookstores -- and available online as well -- but there's no escaping the proverbial writing on the wall that book-selling behemoth Amazon now sells more electronic books than hardcovers ...

Crowdsourcing Entertainment Marketing via Social Media

Movie studios and TV networks increasingly are turning to social media for help with generating buzz about their upcoming releases and programming. Communities are building around favorite movie franchises like the Twilight and Avengers series and TV shows like Downton Abbey and The Walking Dead. Have movie and show producers really been listening -- and if they have, has anything changed because of what they've heard?...

The End of Social Media Marketing’s Wild West

The Federal Trade Commission recently updated its guidelines for online advertising to address the growth in mobile and social media marketing. Now a paid tweet has to begin with the word "ad," as obvious disclosure now must be included with all commercial speech. Is the link you're tweeting from an employer? A client? You have to mention that. The new rule: If money is changing hands, disclose it.

Where’s My Autonomous Car?

The world cheered -- well, at least the nerds cheered -- when Google's autonomous cars drove 1,000 miles with no human intervention and another 140,000 miles with occasional human intervention in 2010 ...


Med Students Take to Tablets

This story was originally published on May 3, 2012, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series ...

Rx for Medical Students: Take One Tablet

The educational e-book market has grown fiercer in the last few years, raising the question of where the end game will leave educational institutions in their attempts to reduce student churn, increase productivity and radically reduce costs. ...

How and Why Did ‘Kony 2012’ Go Viral Overnight?

By now, you've seen the "Kony 2012" video, or at least heard of it, and you've heard the criticisms. And whether you are a supporter or a detractor, you likely think the story's done, a passing fad lost already to shortened news cycles, fickle Twitter trends, and Facebook app archives. But that is not the case ...

Online Ad Scams, Part 2: Fighting Back

Online Ad Scams, Part 1: Tip for a Tiny Belly and Other Snake Oil ...

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