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Results 141-160 of 429 for Renay San Miguel

Kindle for PC: A Good Preview for E-Reader Fence-Sitters

The scales of justice definitely don't tip in grayscale's favor when it comes to the overall e-reader device experience for consumers. Whether it's an Amazon Kindle, Sony Reader or Barnes & Noble Nook, 16-level grayscale means nothing more than a digital version of the weather in Seattle between November and April: different shades of gray ...

Murdoch Threatens Google Blockade

It's not so much a war of words, but a war over words, between News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch and search giant Google. Murdoch fired another broadside over the weekend by announcing his intention to eventually close off News Corp. content to Google's search technologies. ...


An FBI Cybercrime Agent’s Tales From the Trenches

The FBI official in charge of major cybercrime investigations told a international gathering of computer security experts last week that financial services companies have suffered massive thefts due to hackers ...


Cyber-Meltdown: Managing the Message When IT Hits the Fan

It started as an act of Web site defacement by some anti-capitalist zealots, attacking one of Canada's largest multinational corporations. You know the kind -- they've got their fingers in all kinds of business pies, from airplane parts to media content to their own very popular brand of hand sanitizer. So they were ripe for some cyber-sabotage, judging from the overheated invective that appeared scrawled all over the corporate Web site...


Droid: Enjoyed

If I had my way, I would encourage Verizon Wireless to invest in both hologram technology and more "Star Wars" film rights. That would allow the carrier to hire an Alec Guinness lookalike who could pop up in 3-D visions in Verizon stores across the country, wave his hand over racks full of Motorola's new smartphone, and in full Obi-Wan Kenobi drag intone the words, "these are the Droids you're looking for."

Microsoft Scrapes Years of Mold Off MSN Portal

White space replaces the sky-blue color scheme in's new redesign, which Microsoft began previewing Wednesday before it becomes an official re-launch sometime in early 2010 ...


ISF Panelists Spar Over Security vs. Anonymity

Can the Web's big-time masters of malware really be tracked down? How risky is cloud computing to network security? And what challenges await the Obama administration's plans to lock down the nation's electronic infrastructure -- while at the same time creating a "smart grid?" ...

Tech Futurist Sees Rosy Prospects for Net Security

Sometime between now and the year 2019, Comcast will start going after botnets and will stop sending malicious Web traffic to its customers. Google will send up more alarms if your search results include possibly infectious links. Microsoft and Apple will get better at plugging holes in their software. The U.S. Congress will assign liability for bad network security, and economic incentives will be taken away from hackers looking to make a quick buck...

Epix Launches One-Two Punch With TV-Web Movie Channel

It's enough of a challenge to launch a new subscription movie channel in an industry segment dominated by the likes of HBO and Showtime. However, Epix, which begins life Friday, starts its adventure with a double feature of sorts: It will also offer a Web streaming version of its channel ...


Facebook: Too Big to Care?

A tweet and a status update tell Facebook's story after a week of very unsociable social media slip-ups for Mark Zuckerberg's company ...

Google Breaks Into Song With New Music Search

Google's new music search service, announced Wednesday, is in tune with that company's overall goal to make every last bit of information searchable on the Web. After all, "two of our top 10 queries of all time are music-related," according to an introductory video on Google's Discover Music landing page ...

What Can Google Social Search Actually Find?

For Google, the recent effort to mix social media with traditional search results is all about relevance -- thus its efforts such as Google Social Search, which the company rolled out in experimental form late Monday. However, can the results really be that effective if they don't include the full participation of the world's largest social network, Facebook?...

PS3 Gets Power-Up From Netflix

Coming soon to a Sony PlayStation 3 near you: the ability to shoot aliens and bad guys in a video game, then watch your favorite action movie star shoot aliens and bad guys in a videogame-like blockbuster film streamed via Netflix ...


Windows 7 Gets Rid of the Gimmicks

Is it damning with faint praise to say that Windows 7 is definitely not Windows Vista? Probably. After the misfire that was Microsoft's previous operating system, those words alone may be enough to push consumers off the computer-buying fence -- when you couple them with the bargain-basement deals that await PC shoppers over the next few weeks ...


Selling Windows 7: The Good, the Bad and the Tragically Hip

So Microsoft has a new operating system. Can the company still make average computer users care? ...

Bing and Google Fight Search Battle in Real-Time

Facebook and Twitter must have felt like the belles of the social media ball Wednesday. Both companies announced agreements with search engine suitors Google and Microsoft's Bing to integrate their status updates and tweets into search results, bringing with them the likelihood of more real-time results to search queries and conjuring up visions of next-level information gathering on the Internet...


Google Wave Beta: Some Undertow, but Lots of Potential

Five months of hype have roiled the waters for Google Wave. Is it an Outlook killer? The search giant's idea of a social network? One unified communications tool to rule us all? ...

Is Google Dialing Up a Gphone and Cuing Up Gtunes?

Conspiracy theorists convinced that Google wants a footprint in every single business category on the planet got some more ammunition Wednesday: reports that detail the company's possible efforts to extend into both branded smartphones and online music ...

Barnes & Noble Aims to Take Down Kindle, by Hook or by Nook

It doesn't matter whether Amazon's Kindle has 60 percent market share, or that Sony has its powerful brand backing its Reader. Barnes & Noble wants in on the nascent e-reader market ...

Price Cut Pushes PS3 Over the Top in September

It's an overnight success story that's been almost three years in the making: For the first time since its launch, Sony's PlayStation 3 outsold rival gaming console makers in September, thanks to a price cut that brought the PS3 more in line with Microsoft's and Nintendo's offerings ...

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