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Results 281-300 of 429 for Renay San Miguel

YouTube Builds New Pipes for TV Shows, Movies

YouTube's path from a loose, rowdy, anything-goes video destination to a more well-organized and advertiser-friendly Web site took a giant step Thursday with the addition of TV shows and movies, courtesy of new deals with Hollywood studios ...


How Much Would You Pay for That Online News Story?

Here's the scoop: Newspaper reporters are about to rake in the dough all across America. We're talking millions, easy. ...

Time Warner’s Test Expansion Heats Up Broadband Metering Debate

If video killed the radio star, than Internet video may signal the demise of flat-rate broadband pricing. At least that's the suspicion of public advocacy groups who are complaining about attempts by Time Warner Cable (TWC) and other providers to experiment with metered high-speed Internet usage ...

Study on Facebook and Grades Becomes Learning Experience for Researcher

Ohio State University doctoral candidate Aryn Karpinski has conducted the kind of statistical study that guarantees headlines, 20-second mentions on network and local newscasts (usually shoehorned between weather and sports), and lots of comments on tech news Web sites and blogs. She knew she was writing about a media-friendly topic, but she still confesses to receiving a crash course in sudden news exposure...

Twitter Birdie Chokes Down Worms

Two recent developments have all but guaranteed Twitter's successful crossover into the mainstream: First, the popular social networking site -- and its bluebird logo -- are included in a new Sprint national television ad campaign. Secondly, the network was the target of computer worm attacks apparently launched by a teenager over the Easter weekend...


From Laid-Off Seattle Reporter to Accidental Web Entrepreneur

It's been another eventful week in the continuing original drama, "The Death of Journalism As We Knew It." ...

Game Maker Will Wright Makes ‘Stupid’ Career Move

With his groundbreaking, immersive computer games, Will Wright allowed all of us to build our own virtual worlds and populate them with characters and creatures of our own designs. Now he gets a similar opportunity to fashion the next stage of his career -- and quite possibly that of interactive entertainment itself ...

AP Throws Down Gauntlet to Online News Aggregators

Is the Associated Press trying to shoehorn a 21st-century technology into a 20th-century business model? Or is it merely trying to protect content that allows Google and others to rake in money while it is left holding the lost-revenue bag? ...

T-Mobile Invites Android Into the Home

While potential customers and the technology press await T-Mobile's G2 smartphone later this year, the wireless carrier is reportedly already knee-deep into the development of the next level of devices powered by the open source Android operating system ...

Robo-Scientist ‘Adam’ Performs Landmark Solo Experiment

There may not be a white lab coat big enough for Adam, the newest and most expensive member of the scientific department at Aberystwyth University in Wales, UK ...


Battle for News Eyeballs: AOL Scrapes the Bottom of the Barrel

The headlines appeared at 9:30 p.m. Pacific Time on April Fools' Day. The joke, apparently, was on the readers of ...

Twitter Tweaks Search Engine to Corral Tweets

The founders of the social network Twitter -- having already conquered the technology press/mainstream media and experienced the kind of rapid growth that one usually associates with viruses or kudzu -- are hard at work on new features that may bring it the true holy grail of Web 2.0 companies: money ...

Conficker Fears Create Fertile Ground for Other Scammers

You Googled "Conficker," and you read the stories about the computer worm that's vexing security researchers around the world. Your fears about your own PC soon hit critical mass, so you then Google "how to detect/remove Conficker." What you get is the latest example of social engineering from Internet criminals and Web hucksters; in attempting to run away from one bit of nasty malware, you could head right into the arms of another...

Obama Pitches Economic Plan to Grass Roots in Online Town Hall

If you took part in Thursday's live online presidential town-hall meeting, you had the chance to submit your questions to President Obama via text or video. Then you got to vote on the popularity of the questions, effectively ranking them for the president's staff to consider ...

OnLive Promises Hard-Core Gaming Minus the Hardware

The first tech media darling has already blasted its way through the clutter at the annual Game Developers Conference in San Francisco -- OnLive, the new company to come from longtime serial tech entrepreneur Steve Perlman ...

Report: Security Holes Could Wreak Havoc in Proposed Smart Grid

It is supposed to revolutionize the way electricity is delivered and managed. It has US$4.5 billion targeted for it in the Obama economic stimulus package. However, the so-called "smart grid," as it is being developed today, won't be able to outsmart hackers looking to damage the U.S.'s utility infrastructure, according to a Seattle-based security firm...

Video Game Industry’s Recession Resistance Persists

The economic wolf is at your door, but acid-spewing aliens are threatening you and your squad-mates on some desolate planet. Or it's the ninth frame and you are one strike down against an opponent whose bowling prowess is considerably better than President Obama's. So those worries about jobs and the banking industry will just have to wait, OK? ...


Online Journalism Experiment Begins in Seattle

This is how a major newspaper dies, and is reborn online, in real-time: ...

Hulu Hops on the Social Bandwagon

Television network, meet social network. Hulu, the online video lovechild of Fox and NBC, announced Thursday the addition of Hulu Friends, which gives users the opportunity to set up profiles, share favorite episodes of hit shows like "24" or "The Office" and leave Facebook-style updates on each other's pages ...


Twitter: Brought to You by [Insert News Outlet Here]

The possibilities are so intriguing to me that on Wednesday I sent a tweet to Evan Williams asking for his input: "primomedia@ev Renay San Miguel here with TechNewsWorld. For this week's column: would you consider selling to a media co. that owns a news network?" The hours dri...

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