
A retail strategy for decades, bundling combines products or services into a single sales unit, offering various forms to suit different customer needs. Discover how this versatile approach boosts sales, enhances customer experience, and extends beyond the holiday season, providing year-round benefi...

Shipping protection and warranty services by Extend offer peace of mind to e-commerce customers and revenue opportunities for online retailers of all sizes.

Sooner or later, small-to-medium-size businesses engaging the e-commerce market and looking to grow must buy into a more workable solution for the demanding customer experience. StoreConnect and Salesforce transform SMB e-commerce by improving customer experience and enabling scalable growth.

As the holiday shopping season approaches, the timing of SMS marketing messages takes on heightened importance. Effective scheduling not only influences consumer engagement and open rates but also plays a crucial role in achieving sales success.

A growing concern among merchants is their ability to meet new payment card industry (PCI) security standards as early as next March. Failure to complete the upgrade within one year could result in penalties from $5,000 to $100,000 or more.

E-commerce musical instrument supplier Sweetwater will not be singing a new tune under its newly-appointed CEO, Mike Clem. Instead, the company will be cranking up the volume to stay true to what it does best -- meeting its customers' needs.

It's no secret that brand affinity -- a shopper's preference for a particular brand -- can be one of the most potent drivers of purchasing decisions. For retailers, leveraging brand affinity to influence shopper behavior is paramount for success.

Cyber insurance premiums are soaring as insurers limit what's covered, exposing a gap in cybersecurity financial safety nets, according to a new report.

Small and mid-sized businesses in the e-commerce space have long struggled to compete with the might of retail giants. Now, generative AI is emerging as a cost-effective solution that could level the playing field.

The Container Store prioritizes mobile marketing with Vibes to target college students with personalized SMS, MMS, and Mobile Wallet strategies aimed at boosting sales and consumer loyalty during its College 2023 campaign.

Software buyers are placing a growing emphasis on AI and value-driven decisions. Despite economic uncertainties, there is a positive outlook, with an anticipated increase in technology investments.

AI Site Generator will enable Wix users to describe their intent and instantly generate a professional and unique website. The tailor-made website will include a homepage and all inner pages with text, images, and any business solution, such as stores, bookings, restaurants, events, and more.

To help thrive through challenging economic downturns, let's delve into the significance of maintaining superior customer experience, re-evaluating spending cuts, and focusing on customer retention, employee experience, and data analytics.

A new report has shed light on the risk of AI disruption, revealing that many jobs typically held by women are particularly vulnerable to automation advancements.

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