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Results 1-2 of 2 for Emily Morris

Train Your Web Site Like an Athlete

To win a tennis match, you have to out perform your competitor. You have to play a better game, have a better strategy and win more points. But, what does it take to do that? How do you improve your performance? And how do you measure that improvement? There are so many variables that impact a player's performance. At a minimum, you have to be quick on your feet, follow-through your shots, serve well, and place the ball strategically. When practicing, you have to focus on each of these areas individually and learn how to perform well at each one of them. Only then can you put all of these building blocks together for a winning athletic performance...

Online Customer Experience: Will We Get It Right One Day?

In the research my company does to benchmark the customer experience provided by the top Web sites in various vertical industries, we suggest best practices and ways to find out what works and what does not for a company's online customers. Often, when speaking with prospective customers about syndicated competitive benchmarking, I hear this question: "If everyone implements your best practices and recommendations, won't we all get to a point where we're all providing the best customer experience possible?"...

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