Digital retailers are ramping up their social media advertising budgets to pitch products where shoppers gather socially. However, according to a report on the growing adoption of social advertising, brands need to employ automation strategies to replace traditional manual steps and add multi-platfo...

A surge in the use of the new marketing channel called social commerce requires online retailers to adapt their selling strategies to succeed. For that new marketing platform to get results for sellers, however, brands must recognize that traditional e-commerce and social media marketing are not the...

Market watchers expect social commerce to grow exponentially over the next few years. As businesses prepare their strategies to move forward in 2022, they should consider the impact of these five important social commerce trends.

While retailers aren't happy with rising return rates, in the current environment, they are a reflection of success. "When you have the kind of growth we've seen in the online channel, that's how you get an overall high return rate," Peter Madden, a director in the retail practice of AlixPartners, a...


4 Tips To Attract a Younger Customer Base

Attracting and engaging with a younger target audience is no longer optional; it is an essential marketing goal. The big question is: how to do it? Marketers and online retailers who have found useful answers to that question shared their insights with the E-Commerce Times.

Supply chain issues have haunted businesses during the past several months. Given the status of the pandemic and other challenges, they probably won't be resolved any time soon. We spoke with several experts to get their perspective on what's going on with supply chains and how online sellers can ad...

Not everyone who knows how to code software gets rich quickly, if at all. But extra money can be generated from software coding as passive income from side projects or independent distribution of mobile apps and more.

Product returns are an unavoidable part of running an e-commerce business. They can't be eliminated, so offering the option to return items can be a vital part of a business's strategy. As the adage goes: "If you have too few returns, you're not selling enough." Still, most e-commerce businesses wou...


How Merchants Can Better Battle Chargebacks and Fraud

Cash flow concerns and fraud are going to be a menace to both retailers and consumers this holiday shopping season. One of the biggest shopping headaches this year will be a much earlier start to the chargeback cycles. Jeff Wixted, vice president of marketing and client solutions at Accertify, discu...

Entrepreneurs might well be the latest heroes in cyberwarfare. Despite increasing odds of malicious attacks, SMB owners are forging ahead with a newfound sense of security. Untangle's fourth annual SMB IT Security Report shows that SMBs have adapted to a changing work environment, addressed an influ...

Closing physical storefronts in favor of internet-based direct-to-consumer selling options is not necessarily the best approach for typical store owners, according to Mark Delaney, retail industry consultant at Zebra Technologies. The E-Commerce Times heard more from Delaney in a wide-ranging conver...

Supply chain chaos has sellers and shoppers on edge, with no relief in sight anytime soon. To better understand how marketers should navigate this unusual holiday shopping season, we spoke with a variety of experts to get tips on what makes for successful holiday e-commerce marketing -- and why plan...

Amazon heralded its shifting strategies to help sellers expand with new tools during its two-day Accelerate Seller Conference this week. The e-commerce giant announced its growing success with American small and medium-sized businesses empowerment this year, its glowing Sellers Report, and the resul...

Shopper discontent with online retail sites is localizing to two major concerns. Spoiler alert: customer experience per se is not in this ranking. It is the need for caution that prominently leads shoppers to abandon their shopping carts. Results of a recent survey of more than 1,100 respondents con...

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