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Results 121-140 of 3292 for Staff

Salesforce Season

I've written elsewhere that I don't think this is enough. But that said, it's hard to figure out how to go further without such systems -- and you can tell they plan to go much further because, in each case, they've declared another cloud and hired a senior staff to pursue relevant goals. In other words, they didn't stop with apps and call it a day...


Working From Wherever

Companies are beginning to work harder to find staff, and some are even going back to hiring people without experience and training them. Workers are gaining the upper hand Some of the data driving these phenomena include more people quitting their jobs without something lined...


Amazon Sidewalk and Why Marketing Expertise Matters

Worse, in technology companies, engineering often rules, and engineers tend to think their expertise in software or hardware development also makes them experts in marketing. In short, very often, in this critical skill to ensure company revenues meet their potential, the top jobs are not only often staffed by people who lack the background to do the job, but those that do have the background are too often overruled by more powerful folks that also don't understand the job...

The Emerging Tech Affect on HR Processes

With Covid, increased numbers of people have been working remotely, and many will continue to do so post-pandemic. This has fundamentally altered how work is done, not only by company staff, but by HR professionals This societal shift, combined with the continued emergence of ...


The Cybersecurity Outlook for 2021 and Beyond

"Part of the reason is that the workloads that had resisted moving to the cloud were exactly the highly regulated ones, and the forced move out of on-site data centers managed by IT staff is driving up demand for cloud-based compliance and security skills," he told TechNewsWorld...

New Report Profiles Ransomware Cybergangs

Employ the principle of least privilege with staff members Disable RDP if not being used...

Research Exposes 10 Common Threats Vexing Cloud Customers

Solving for the challenges organizations continue to see from cybercriminals involves understanding the behaviors adversaries are motivated to take. This means having the ability to collect and aggregate the data that uncovers these behaviors in a way that can be operationalized by security staff, noted Pietlik...


Apple Needs This New Hire to Be Heroic

With the noted exceptions above, tech companies tend to be run by males, placing women in staff jobs with little authority. This behavior is despite studies that indicate women generally are better managers Women tend to end up in support or staff executive jobs, just not line...

Outdated Windows Users Flout Computing Safety

Those still using Windows 7 are consumers, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), and very small businesses (VSBs). The survey points out that almost a quarter of VSBs still use the outdated OS because they lack dedicated IT staff. A temporary alternative for business user...


Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning? Ask These Questions

So, picture this course of events: the office is closed because of a disaster e.g., a global pandemic. Then, say a hurricane knocks out power to 40 percent of your critical IT staff. Considering we are in the middle of a pandemic, and there is always an upcoming hurricane season, this is not out of the realm of possibility...

Big Tech Urges SCOTUS to Ease Risk of Consumer Class Actions

"The U.S. Constitution allows people to sue in federal court when they are at substantial risk of harm, even if they have not yet suffered harm," Adam Schwartz, senior staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told the E-Commerce Times. EFF filed an amicus brief supporting Ramirez...


CRM’s New Normal: It’s Complicated

If you're an airline with a big payroll, huge energy costs, half-filled aircraft and quarterly earnings expectations, crawling back after several years is untenable. Your new normal will include reducing pricing, staff and flights in an effort to fill seats An article from mid...


Latest LinDoz: An Ideal Windows-to-Linux Crossover

Plus, the Makulu Portal quickly and easily guides users to seek assistance or connect to staff or other end users without much effort. An all-new desktop clock has some nice features easily controlled by a custom GUI designed for a pleasant experience The Makulu Constructor To...

E-Gift Cards Fitting the Bill for Consumers, Retailers

It is a great way to show support and faith that the retailer will stick around without requiring the shop owner to do anything. There is no need to find inventory, staff a store, or, in the case of a restaurant, buy food and ingredients "So that has been a sustained bump in g...

The Rise of Open Source: Pandemic, Economy, Efficiency, Trust

This corporate migration to open source is continuing as many organizations, both large and small, turn to open source in tough economic times. Amid the continuing adjustments in staffing and operations the pandemic is causing, open source is helping enterprises and industries reduce costs and improve their ability to innovate...

Contactless Goes Far Beyond Payments: It’s For Everything

Flexibility. The same system needs to be user and staff-friendly while accommodating various-sized items. BOPIS systems that utilize shelving in lieu of a locker-based approach are inherently more flexible due to the open spaces to stage items as opposed to finite locker dimensions that may limit storage possibilities. These shelving-based systems can also be used for curbside pickup as well as in-store, consumer-served merchandise retrieval...

The Future of Cybersecurity in 2021 and Beyond

"Part of the reason is that the workloads that had resisted moving to the cloud were exactly the highly regulated ones, and the forced move out of on-site data centers managed by IT staff is driving up demand for cloud-based compliance and security skills," he told TechNewsWorld...


The Evolving Future of the Office

Cafeterias need to be redesigned to deliver packaged meals that can be delivered to employees to minimize unnecessary interaction. Sensors at all office entry points should be enhanced with scanners that will alert if a staff member is running a fever. Cubicle farms should be eliminated in favor of rooms that separate people completely or into working groups. Air conditioning systems need to be modified to mitigate contagion, and mask policies need to be implemented...

Hacker Attempts to Poison Florida City’s Water Supply

"Attackers know that people aren't communicating with their colleagues and IT staff like they used to, and they know many people aren't even physically on site," she told TechNewsWorld "Picture a thief walking around a dark parking lot checking car doors," she said. "The chanc...

B2B Payments Industry Trends to Watch in 2021

Until recently, that simplicity didn't translate to ACH payments. AP staff would see ACH deposits in their account, but they wouldn't necessarily be told how to apply them, because the data didn't travel with the payment. Nacha, the National Automated Clearing House Association, and the real-time payments (RTP) network from The Clearing House have improved ACH remittance data transfer. Although the number of fields and characters are limited, it's a big step in the right direction...

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