
Results 1-20 of 53 for Dana Blankenhorn.

New Horizons in Spam Appreciation

Some 100 spams have hit my client inbox over the last two weeks, a much faster pace than previously. Chances are, your servers have been flooded as well.

Is the Internet Stock Party Over?

Internet stocks have been "cracking," as they say on Wall Street, all this week. That means CMGI, Yahoo, and even America Online are falling in price. For most of them, this comes despite strong earnings reports.

Meanwhile, in Palo Alto

While the brouhaha continues in Houston, Hewlett-Packard in Palo Alto is quietly facing the same challenges. Like Compaq, H-P sells PCs through distribution channels, as well as servers and legacy systems (mini-computers). What would it do about this new e-commerce thing?

Ma Nopoly?

How would you like to see one company controlling the bulk of the Internet access market and the customers within that market? How would you like to see one company deciding where people will start their online sessions, how fast they'll be able to see your site, and whether they'll see it at all?

Internet Privacy:Kid Data Battle Brews

When Congress passed the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act last October, sites that dealt with kids probably thought the battle over this issue was finished, except perhaps for the shouting. Word up, bro'. The shouting has started.

“Volunteers” of America (Online)

One of the biggest holes in the Internet business model involves moderators.

Apple Back in the Game

While growth in most of the PC market is slowing, there's an exception to the rule. Apple is back.

Compaq’s Internet Problem

Compaq Computer Corp. gave the stock market a big scare Tuesday. The company said it would miss earnings estimates, and the stock lost about one-fourth of its value. There was fear this might be the start of a real technology slowdown, but when Intel's earnings beat estimates that fear dried-up.

Rush to the Web

A year ago, when the Fortune 500 discovered e-commerce, Web ad agencies were bought specifically to capture their people for work on large accounts. Small accounts were left in the cold.

E-Commerce, Meet China

On the Web, exporting and importing are like the weather. Everyone talks about them, but few do anything about them.

Next Web Rivalry: Office Depot vs. Staples

The Web has seen many great business rivalries develop over the last few years. There was CDNow vs. N2K, who merged. There was Amazon vs. Barnes & Noble, which continues.

MP3 Lockout?

Before Seagam's Universal Music Group and Bertelsman's BMG Music announced their link-up on April 7, there were rumors the announcement might mean a merger between America Online and CBS.

Network Solutions Death Star?

Lately Network Solutions Inc. has become the company everyone likes to hate, and I wonder if you're one of them.

Confessions On Privacy

You're going to hear a lot more about Internet privacy in the next month.

AOL Buying CBS?

A few months ago rumors swirled that Yahoo was about to buy CBS. The reports were fueled by the fact that Yahoo's market capitalization -- the value the stock market placed on it -- had passed that of the Tiffany Network.

One More Chance on Privacy

Creating, maintaining and enforcing a privacy policy is a hassle. It's much easier to give privacy lip service while using cookies, registration, and server logs to understand our customers.

But is it Legal?

As the Web is extended into areas where skirting complex laws endangers people, many Web stores are finding the cops to be their best friend.

Good News About Melissa

You're probably wondering about that headline. But there is good news today concerning the Melissa virus. Melissa was the first virus of the year directed, not at individual computers, but at the Net itself. And, the Net has responded well to it.

Learning From Shareware

I don't remember the program, or the programmer, but I remember the interview. My subject had made $4 million selling shareware on the Web, and I asked him his secret. He said the basic version of his program included ads on every screen, and since it worked through the Web he could target and upd...

Searching for a Law(yer)

Want to be in the search business? First find a good lawyer. The International Federation of Phonographic Industry (IFPI) has filed suit in Norway to close that country's FAST music search engine, which is the basis for Lycos' own MP3 effort. FAST is in the business of developing search engines, a...

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