
Results 1-3 of 3 for Stacey Lum.

Maintaining Global Compliance With Modern Data Privacy Laws

Data privacy laws are becoming a major focus worldwide as businesses hasten to meet new compliance obligations. Many organizations involved with international commerce must alter their procedures to comply with new legislation.


The Shape of Wireless Things to Come

Congratulations to Samsung on earning the No. 1 position in the wireless smartphone sector. On the other hand, what is the problem at Nokia and RIM? What is happening? What other earthshaking changes can we expect in the wireless space next? Plenty. We are just getting started. So who and what will ...

Will Supercomputers Ever Power E-Commerce?

While scientists have been reaping the benefits of clustered computing for several years, using it to search for intelligent life in the universe and sift through vast amounts of data, business users have largely ignored this technology -- until recently. "In the context of e-business, there is p...

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