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Results 1-4 of 4 for Sheng Liang

Open Source Software: 20-Plus Years of Innovation

The open source community has delivered tremendous results, observed Sheng Liang, CEO of Rancher Labs. It has impacted the development of mature technologies, such as Linux, Java, Python and PHP, as well as more recent technologies, including cloud, containerization, blockcha...

Open Source Software Turns 20-Something

The open source community has delivered tremendous results, observed Sheng Liang, CEO of Rancher Labs. It has impacted the development of mature technologies, such as Linux, Java, Python and PHP, as well as more recent technologies, including cloud, containerization, blockcha...


The Open Cloud: There’s a Right Way

There is a great deal of commotion about the cloud, and rightfully so, but the noise can be overwhelming. The market is crowded with different products and platforms from the smallest of startups to industry behemoths, a condition that is not helped by cloudwashing and other tactics designed to take advantage of the cloud's lucrative popularity. ... Unveils Open IaaS Platform

"Today, service providers and enterprises that are interested in launching elastic cloud services face the difficult task of integrating complex software and hardware components from multiple vendors," said Sheng Liang,'s founder and CEO. "The resulting system could end up being expensive to build and hard to operate, minimizing the original motives and benefits of moving to this new model.

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