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Results 1-6 of 6 for Robin S. Hohman

Excuses Abound for Avoiding CRM Analytics

When it comes to CRM analytics, companies often make the same mistakes, many of which could be corrected by a change in focus and a better understanding of exactly what CRM analytics is, new research suggests. Improved understanding would lead to better opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling, the key reasons for implementing CRM analytics in the first place...

Profiting From Business Intelligence

When Rust-Oleum Consumer Brands Canada decided to deploy a business intelligence (BI) package, the company was only looking to get its monthly paper sales data in a weekly electronic format. A little more than a year later, they're using BI to gain a competitive advantage in such tangibles as shelf placement and the effectiveness of weekly promotions...

IBM Offers Support for Geronimo J2EE App Server

In an effort to capture share of the low-end, open-source Java application server market, IBM announced at the LinuxWorld conference in San Francisco today that it will provide support services for the open-source Apache Geronimo J2EE application server ...

Sun’s Plans To Open Source Solaris Questionable

Don't make celebratory plans just yet to join the Open Source Solaris Community: Sun Microsystems is only saying that it is looking at its plans to open up the Solaris source code, meaning it could happen months from now, years from now or, in fact, never ...

High-End Linux Apps Driving Server Sales

The global server market continues to show strong signs of coming back to life as IT customers increasingly regard Linux as a feasible, scalable and reliable player in more parts of the enterprise. Linux is taking hold in places previously reserved for the highest end of computing requirements ...

CA Targets Open-Source Development

The dust from CA World is settling down as end users, analysts and true believers try to come to terms with Computer Associates' sudden interest in the open-source development model. The company has created its own CA Trusted Open Source License (CA-TOSL), not as a rival to the GPL but as a way to protect itself and its customers from SCO-IBM type lawsuits...

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