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Results 1-20 of 3470 for Rob Enderle

AI-Powered Robot Aims To Slash Cost of E-Commerce Deliveries

Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst of the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Ore., added that if Vayu’s technology works at scale, it would significantly reduce the cost of this class of robots and accelerate their deployment in areas where the robots make sense...


Intel AI and the Olympics

Last week, Intel shared how its AI technology will be a significant part of the Olympics experience. If Intel pulls this off, it would be a huge boost to its AI efforts. If this doesn’t work, it will reflect poorly on Intel ...


AMD Enters AI PC Race, Closes Microsoft Copilot+ Launch Gaps

The AI PC market moved quickly after the first generation of limited AI PCs hit the market a few months ago ...

Charging Station Software Essential to Sustainable EV Growth

Charger software makers ought to look to Tesla for direction, maintained Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Ore ...

Negative Online Experiences Drive Customers To Competitors: Study

There's a warning in the survey results for companies that don't pay close attention to their customers' online experiences, observed Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst at the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Ore. "They need to monitor their interactions and rapidly correct problems with their websites, or they’ll bleed customers," he told CRM Buyer...


The Copilot+ PCs Arrive: My Initial Impressions

I’ve received my first two Copilot+ PCs to review, and both are impressive products. I got a gorgeous HP EliteBook Ultra 14 and the Microsoft Surface Laptop, 7th Edition, both of which have just started shipping ...


How Apple Outperformed Google and Microsoft in AI Rollout

Over the last several weeks, we’ve had Google I/O, which highlighted the rollout of Google’s Gemini AI engine for smartphones; Microsoft Build, which focused on its Copilot+ rollout for PCs; and Apple’s WWDC24 video, which showcased the rollout of AI on both PCs and smartphones ...


Rethinking AI Priorities: Lessons From IBM Think and Intel’s Lunar Lake

I watched IBM Think last week. As I listened to IBM CEO Arvind Krishna talk about how IBM is willing to configure hardware, software, and services for every customer, it struck me that the one thing we are not doing with AI is thinking it through. We are throwing AI at everything and not prioritizing where we need it to focus ...

Intel Announces New Tech To Battle in AI Market

"This showcases that Intel’s people have been working incredibly hard to reverse the mistakes of the last decade, and they’ve made impressive progress, but the race is far from over, and Intel’s competitors are equally focused and executing well," said Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm, in Bend, Ore...


Our Entire Approach to AI Is Flawed

When we talk about AI, we typically focus on one metric: productivity. That metric has been used in every technology announcement since the beginning of the current tech age ...

Google Joins AI Laptop Party With Chromebook Plus

Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst at the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Ore., questioned the announcement's timing. "They should have announced this at I/O earlier this month," he told TechNewsWorld. "It appears they decided to go after Microsoft Build and position against what was announced there."


Microsoft Hits Hard With AI, but Is the PC the Right Platform?

Having Google I/O immediately followed by Microsoft Build, with both conferences focused on AI, provided an interesting contrast between the two companies’ approaches to AI. Microsoft is all about PCs for AI integration, while Google is all about smartphones ...

Think Tank Issues Guidance for AI Policymakers

However, Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Ore., argues that the job displacement cycle fueled by AI will be different from those in past technology cycles "Projects like Devin, the automated software engine...


Google I/O: Did Microsoft Just Become the New Netscape?

While Marc Andreessen and I disagree on what happened when Netscape went under, my perception was that Netscape blew its considerable lead on Microsoft in browsers by not adequately protecting it and not realizing the power of Microsoft marketing back then ...


Human-Centered AI and How To Prevent Widespread Future Unemployment

I participated in a podcast last week. One of the other panelists was Moses Ma from FutureLab. FutureLab has a project called Manhattan 2, referencing the Manhattan Project for nuclear bomb development. However, this project is focused on helping, not killing people, and on the need to develop a human-centric approach to AI deployment that assures people have productive lives rather than being homeless and unemployable, which is, sadly, the path we are on currently...

Apple Muscles Up iPad Pro With M4 Silicon and Tandem OLED Display

"The iPad Pro with the M4 and outdoor viewable OLED screen is arguably the best tablet created so far," Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst with Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Ore., told TechNewsWorld "The dual-layer OLED screens are the best screen...


New DOT Safety Rule Will Save Electric Car Drivers’ Lives

The U.S. Dept of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration just passed a much more aggressive requirement that could significantly improve a car’s ability to avoid accidents ...

Copyleaks Study Finds Explosive Growth of AI Content on the Web

"AI is getting a ton of hype pushing more and more people to try these AI tools," noted Rob Enderle, president and principal analyst at the Enderle Group, an advisory services firm in Bend, Ore "The tools mostly work reasonably well and are relatively easy to learn and use," h...


The Case Against Noncompete Agreements

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) effectively tried to kill noncompete agreements last week. While some companies plan to challenge this, it was the right decision to make ...


Qualcomm Makes the Smart Home Work

At Embedded World last week, Qualcomm made a major IoT announcement about a new AI-ready platform for both home and industrial use. There was also an additional briefing on Qualcomm Connect regarding service-defined Wi-Fi ...

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