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Results 1-3 of 3 for Bojan Simic and Tom Karol

The Lifecycle Approach to Shaping Up Flabby Mission-Critical Apps

"The 2008 Aberdeen Report: The State of the Market" reveals that investments in new enterprise applications are the top IT initiative for 2008. Aberdeen's research also shows that, on average, organizations are using six business-critical applications and are planning to roll out four new applications over the next two years. The research also shows that 58 percent of organizations surveyed are unsatisfied with the performance of their current applications. The top pressures driving the adoption of application performance management solutions are:...


Network and App Management: Going Wide vs. Drilling Down

End-user organizations are looking to leverage enterprise applications to achieve competitive advantages and operational efficiencies, and to improve information flow in their value chains. In order to maximize the return on investment from these deployments, organizations are optimizing their networks and ensuring a high level of performance. ...


Network Simulation and Emulation: Try It Before You Deploy It

Best-in-Class organizations are three times more likely to leverage solutions for network simulation and emulation than Laggards, according to data from Aberdeen Group's February benchmark report, "The Roadmap to the Next-Generation Branch Office Networks." ...

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