
A key pain point for e-commerce merchants expanding their sales to international markets is dealing with customer returns. E-commerce marketing platforms can help retailers solve fulfillment and manage returned products.

Onramp’s e-book guides e-commerce sellers through goal setting for the event to help them prepare for inventory management and marketing campaigns. It further provides advice for strategic product selection, pricing, customer engagement, and inventory planning based on customer experiences.

Artificial intelligence is behind a significant surge in sophisticated bad bot traffic, which went from bad to worse in the first quarter of this year. Instead of human net surfers, these bad bots generated nearly half of all web traffic.

A former "sneaker botter" who for years programmed bots to take advantage of e-commerce platforms now uses his experience to combat bot attacks to raid merchants' websites and prevent Account Takeover (ATO) attacks.

From biometric payment cards to digital wallets and Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) options, consumers are increasingly drawn to retailers that provide their preferred payment methods.

E-commerce shops based in North America that are not yet selling in Europe are missing out on expanding their customer base and increasing profits. Europe's market size, at US$631 billion and rising, has over 540 million mostly affluent consumers.

Mistrust in how online retailers handle their customers' personal information is at an all-time high, costing merchants lost revenue and follow-up orders. Twenty-six percent of consumers have abandoned a brand in the past 12 months due to privacy concerns. Establishing a higher trust level is no lon...

The adage "different strokes for different folks" now guides public relations strategies, particularly in maintaining engagement with diverse generational clientele. Generation Z, sometimes called Zoomers, is the new power kid on the buying block.

Contrary to what some folks think about the “recent” discovery of artificial intelligence for business uses, AI as a computing function is not novel. What is new is its growing adoption for expanded uses and the ability to transform data into actionable business strategies.

ConvertKit founder and CEO Nathan Barry bootstrapped his startup strategy 11 years ago with only $5,000 and a small garage to grow his fledgling firm into a $30 million business.

Two prominent research efforts released in Q1-24 on the future of business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce suggest that the marketplace is in bad shape.

Let's explore key insights into UX design, highlighting essential best practices, common mistakes, and the latest trends that are shaping the future of e-commerce.

Digital signage itself is not radically new. What is new, however, are the improved features and artificial intelligence behind the network delivery.

Retailers are not wasting any time in pushing the gen AI agenda. However, they may be moving a bit too fast by overlooking some valid concerns about unrecognized risks.

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